August 23

 Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. Coming from a student a free day gives your mind time to think and gather what you learned during that week, the free day gives you time to look over notes, ask peers or your teacher about any questions on subject. As a teacher you would want all your students to be successful in your class and strive to be the best. A teacher that give free days to their students gives off the impression that they care for their students mental well being from dealing with all their classes or personal problems. So be that teacher that students look forward to at the end of the week to give them that mental test day. A teacher in finland reports that she gives her students a free time at the start of their classes each morning and she has seen much improvement in the attendance and the way the kids interact with each other and how they react with her. Free days would be a reward for students drastically since they’re looking forward to one knowing they’ve been doing all their work the whole week and getting that one friday to rest some


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