
Showing posts from August, 2022

august 30

 Today in class we broke down a poem and learned how to make reading poems easier. We broke it into multiple parts and wrote down the multiple words to understand each line in the stanzas and help us comprehend to make a theme

august 26

 today we talked about the different rhetoric appeals and how to form arguments. We also learned how to use spacecat to breakdown speeches and many other texts. We broke down the different parts of rhetorical speech as well.

12 sentence story


August 23

  Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. Coming from a student a free day gives your mind time to think and gather what you learned during that week, the free day gives you time to look over notes, ask peers or your teacher about any questions on subject. As a teacher you would want all your students to be successful in your class and strive to be the best. A teacher that give free days to their students gives off the impression that they care for their students mental well being from dealing with all their classes or personal problems. So be that teacher that students look forward to at the end of the week to give them that mental test day. A teacher in finland reports that she gives her students a free time at the start of their classes each morning and she has seen much improvement in the attendance and the way the kids interact with each other and how they react with her

August 22 , 2022

 i unfortunately ended up leaving early today in class. Before i left i watched social life and it made me realize how hard people try to live the fairytale life knowing they’re unhappy in their actual life

My purpose in life

 My purpose in life to me is to always make sure other people are happy and that i treat them the way i want to be treated. I feel like as me getting older and getting into my career i want to help out other people since that isn’t something that bothers me. Helping other people makes me happy in a way knowing i made their day better just by complimenting them or just by listening to their problems. I really feel like i could be a therapist since i’m such a good listener and can just relate to other people or think of ways to help them immediately.

august 16, 2022

 Today in class i learned how to understand complex text such as poems and things of that sort. We also went over a very powerful poem by langston hughes which talked about how black people were always thriving and powerful people who unfortunately had everything stripped from them.

August 15 , 2022

 Today in class i learned the true importance of effort. I really believe that if i put forth the effort in no matter what i do i’ll always have the best results. I also learned about formal and informal writing and the appropriate times to use them and depending on the subject matter

August 11 , 2022

Today in class i really felt like i understood how to construct a paragraph. I also learned how to brainstorm and how easy it is to counter my writers block when using the bubble map. I feel like this years essays really shouldn’t be a problem if i remember my base steps when starting to write