
Showing posts from May, 2023

may 19

 left school early

may 18

 wasnt there due to game

may 17

   Today was a cool day. In 1st period, we started presenting our PowerPoints. In 2nd period, we reviewed for the final once again. In 3rd period, we started presenting our final/PowerPoint. In 4th period, we started watching another film while we ate chips. To conclude, today was a cool day.

may 16

   Today we finished watching inception. The movie was pretty good. The movie ended with a cliff hanger. I personally think tenet is a better movie but this is also a good mind messing movie. We also finished up some questions

may 15

        Today we continued the movie inception. I almost finished my notes, I only have one more square left. Inception is one of my favorite movies of all time.


  5/12- Today we started the movie inception. Having seen this movie many times i love the movie so much so i’m happy we’re starting the movie. We got about 30-45 minutes into the movie and the movie can sometimes mess up your mind if you’re not paying attention. We have to write some notes about the movie and answer discussion questions on monday


 5/11- today in class we finished the movie psycho. We also finished the discussion questions. It truly was a stepping stone for many movies to come. All the camera tricks and techniques made a movie in that time really intriguing and i love the movie for that.


  5/10- today in class we watched the movie psycho and did some discussion questions. The start of the movie was very interesting. I also thought watching the movie in black in white was very cool. I really liked the movie psycho as it was one of the first horror movies in this time period


 5/9 I was ap testing so I left early after testing. The test wasn't hard and like I thought the multiple choice was fairly easy. The essays weren't really hard as the prompts were to difficult. I didn't finish one of my essays but other then that I'm confident I got a 3 on my exam

5/8 blog

 Daily blog 5/8- Today in class we reviewed over the ap exam. Im kind of nervous for tomorrow but I'm really confident in my writing abilities. Im not worried about the multiple choice as its gonna be easy for me since I've never struggled with multiple choice.

paragraph 21

 Something i dont think will get better is the hate I sometimes have for myself. Most times I'm my biggest downfall in usually most things I do. I always have a lot of self doubt and I sometimes struggle with trying to overcome this self doubt as it does effect my personal life in many ways

paragraph 20

 Something i planned to do was go out somewhere with my friends in the summer. In the summer of the 2022 I had one of the most fun times at Atlantic station. We did many things like go get food, bowling and we also just messed around on the scooters. We also recorded videos just to save memories and have to look at for good memories and laughs.

paragraph 19

  One time, I had bought a shirt that I really liked, but unfortunately, it didn't fit me quite right. The shirt was too small, and it was really frustrating because I couldn't wear it comfortably. I tried to make it work by stretching it out and wearing it anyway, but it just didn't look good and I felt self-conscious. In the end, I had to accept that the shirt was just too small and I couldn't wear it. The sad part about the whole thing was that the shirt went perfect with my outfit

paragraph 18

  I sometimes find myself regretting not asking a particular question in certain situations. One time was when I met someone new and didn't ask about their hobbies or interests. It turned out we had a lot in common and could have had a deeper connection if I had asked. It's important to remember that asking questions can lead to valuable information and opportunities. So, the question I wish I had asked more often is simply, "What can you tell me about yourself?" It's a broad question, but it can lead to important insights and connections.

paragraph 17

  It's not easy to admit, but there is someone I once knew who I have forgotten. It's not that they were unimportant, but rather that time has a way of erasing memories. I can vaguely recall their face and perhaps a few small details about them, but their name and any meaningful moments we shared have been lost to me. It's a strange feeling to know that someone was once a part of your life, however brief, and yet they are now little more than a blur in the background. Perhaps someday, a chance encounter or a sudden recollection will bring their memory back to me, but for now, they remain a forgotten piece of my past.

paragraph 16

 The time i knew something was over was in the state championship game vs sandy creek. After they scored on a controversial call and we got the ball back in our own red zone I had a feeling it was over. We almost had a miracle as our QB threw the ball to the wide-open receiver but as the ball came down it was clear as day that he overthrew the wr. It was a sad and angry day as we knew we lost the championship on some questionable calls but there is always next year.

paragraph 15

  Having no fun at all can be an incredibly frustrating and disheartening experience. It can feel like life is passing you by, and that you're missing out on all the good things that everyone else seems to be enjoying. Whether it's because of work, personal responsibilities, or just a lack of opportunities, not having fun can leave you feeling stuck and unhappy. It's important to make time for yourself and find activities that bring you joy, even if it's just something small. Without fun, life can feel like a chore, so it's important to prioritize your own happiness and well-being. 5/12- Today we started the movie inception. Having seen this movie many times i love the movie so much so i’m happy we’re starting the movie. We got about 30-45 minutes into the movie and the movie can sometimes mess up your mind if you’re not paying attention. We have to write some notes about the movie and answer discussion questions on monday

paragraph 14

 one thing im certain of is the love I have for football. I train day in and day out to work my hardest and be the best I can be on the field. Since I've started playing at 6 its been my love since then. Time tells when I’ll ever stop loving football since its something that always takes my problems outside of it away and I can always release out anger or anything else on the field. 5/11- today in class we finished the movie psycho. We also finished the discussion questions. It truly was a stepping stone for many movies to come. All the camera tricks and techniques made a movie in that time really intriguing and i love the movie for that.

paragraph 13

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the support and kindness you have shown me. Your generosity and encouragement have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation, and I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. Your unwavering belief in me and my abilities has given me the strength and confidence to pursue my dreams with passion and conviction. Your impact on my life is immeasurable, and I will always cherish the memories of our time together. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me. 5/10- today in class we watched the movie psycho and did some discussion questions. The start of the movie was very interesting. I also thought watching the movie in black in white was very cool. I really liked the movie psycho as it was one of the first horror movies in this time period

paragraph 12

 A gift that was not well received was when I threw away some of my mom's old pans and pots. As they were worn down I bought her some new ones. So as she came into the house with no knowledge of the plan i had of throwing away the pans and putting new ones in. When she came in she saw every old pan and pot in the trash and as she was very angry and yelling i had already had her new pots and pans in my room 5/9 I was ap testing so I left early after testing. The test wasn't hard and like I thought the multiple choice was fairly easy. The essays weren't really hard as the prompts were to difficult. I didn't finish one of my essays but other then that I'm confident I got a 3 on my exam

paragraph 11

 the secrets that have been kept from me are usually family secrets or secrets that'll protect me from being hurt. The way I am though I love when people tell me usually how they feel or what they've done in the past. It just gives a sense of closure and reasoning about a person. I try not to keep any secrets with anyone I care about or love really. Daily blog 5/8- Today in class we reviewed over the ap exam. Im kind of nervous for tomorrow but I'm really confident in my writing abilities. Im not worried about the multiple choice as its gonna be easy for me since I've never struggled with multiple choice.

paragraph 10

  As the words left her mouth, the entire room fell silent. The secret that had been kept hidden for so long was finally out in the open. The shock and disbelief that followed were palpable, as everyone tried to process what they had just heard. The person who had been keeping the secret could feel their stomach drop as they watched the reactions of those around them. There was no going back now; the truth had been revealed, and they could only hope that the fallout wouldn't be too severe. It was a tense and uncomfortable moment, but at least the weight of the secret was no longer theirs to bear alone.

paragraph 9

  Dear Wife, I want to start by apologizing for my actions. I know I messed up and I take full responsibility for the hurt and frustration I caused. What I did was not fair to you and I regret it deeply. Please know that I understand the gravity of my mistake and I am committed to making amends. I want to make things right between us and regain your trust. I am willing to listen to your feelings and thoughts, and I promise to work hard to earn back your respect. I know it won't be easy, but I will do whatever it takes. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me a chance to make things right. Again, I am deeply sorry for my actions and the pain they've caused.

may 5

 i wasnt in class due to me ap testing

paragraph 8

 Something i used to know how to do is draw. When I was younger I used to tend to doodle a lot and the art used to come out good. Now if I draw something it usually is abstract or ill combine different thoughts into one picture so its never really any meaning to any thing I've drawn on paper recently

paragraph 7

 something i don't exactly remember is the times when random family members come to me telling me all these stories. Theyre always saying boy I remember when you used to do this and do that. Its just always a blank stare and awkward laugh usually when they tell me but its always good to hear the stories

paragraph 6

 a time i knew i was in trouble was when I got called to office with many police officers. Me being a stupid 6th grader I decided to bring drugs to school and give them to another person. The very next day that person was using them in the bathroom blaming it on me. I got called to a meeting room with two officers and most of the administration from there I knew exactly what was wrong.

may 4

   Today we worked in analyzing prompt. The prompts that we are given in class are very similar to the ones that will be on the ap exam. We break down the prompts to find what the prompt is asking for so we can effectively write a synthesis essay. 

may 3

 today in class we worked on more of our prompts in class to prepare for the ap exam. I have to take the ap exam so us working on these prompts have really helped

may 2

  Today we started off class on ap classroom to prepare for our ap exam. Today we had a practice exam but we skipped around with questions. For example, we started with #40. We read, annotated, & analyzed the text & the following question. We chose the answer that seem to be best fitting. We completed questions 40-45.