
Showing posts from April, 2023

april 27th paragraph 5

 Once upon a time, there lived a king named Tyler in the land of TyVille. Tyler was the richest king in all of the land and had way to much money for himself to handle. As tyler bought everything he desired life for him got kind of boring having everything instead of working for it. So one day King Tyler left his fortune for 1 year to see how fast he could build himself back up and sed how it felt to start from ground zero.

April 26 paragraph 4

 Something I can't deny is my love for football and being competitive. Ive been playing football since I have been 6 years old and at first, it kind of was something I was just doing to do while having fun. As I got older I took football more seriously and it became more fun for me since I was getting better at my position. I don't think I want to ever give up football and as I'm older I want to keep continuing to better myself and play at the highest level

April 26th paragraph 3

  Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a family of robots. They were a happy family, but they always felt like something was missing. They longed for a new addition to their family, and their wish was soon granted. One day, the mother robot announced that she was pregnant, and the family was overjoyed. The father robot, in particular, couldn't contain his excitement. He started building a special room for the new baby, complete with all the latest gadgets and toys. Finally, the day arrived when the baby was born. The family rushed to the hospital room, eager to meet the new addition to their family. When they arrived, they were greeted by the sight of a beautiful, brand-new baby robot. The baby was so small and fragile, but it was clear that it was filled with love and joy. The family couldn't stop staring at the baby, marveling at its tiny fingers and toes, and its cute little nose. From that day on, the family's life was forever changed. They spent th

April 26 paragraph 2

 Something I obsess over that's absolutely meaningless is playing with my dog. I love to play with my dog a lot it makes me happy to see her run around and jump on me. My dog has this squeaky green toy that she loves and I usually just throw it around or i try to act like I'm dribbling a basketball with the toy. I honestly think i can play with my dog for hours when shes in the mood.

April 26 paragraph 1

  Once upon a time, there was a woman named Lily who was invited to a party for her husband's job. Lily searched through her closet for the perfect outfit, excited to dress up. She settled on a bright red dress and heels. As she arrived at the event, she noticed that everyone wore formal black and white attire. Feeling embarrassed and out of place, Lily tried to hide in the corner, but it was too late. Her bright dress had already caught the attention of many guests. Lily couldn't enjoy the event, constantly worrying about her inappropriate outfit. She couldn't wait to leave and change into something more suitable.

april 24

 Today in class we just worked on our projects today and that was pretty much the whole basis of class. My group has cop city and we just finished the slides we were assigned in the group

april 21

   Today we worked on our group project again. While we did that Mr. Rease went over the project for the people who wasn’t here yesterday. Today we had to put two articles for our topic in a folder for our project. My group did complete that and made progress on the project. We started our PowerPoint and will finish it when we get back on Monday. That was all we did today in class. 

april 20th

   Today we went over our project we was gonna do. We read of what we will need to do for the project. First we got split into groups by a randomizer.  Then each group got chosen an topic by the spinning wheel. Once we got in our groups we started on looking for the information for the project. While we were doing this Mr. Rease kept calling people over to discuss their scores on the essay.  That was what we did today. 

april 19th

   Today we worked on another prompt . It was over the implications that are caused by Buy Nothing Day. Now that we continue to review I feel a lot more confident in myself for the exam. 

april 18

   Today we started off class listing 5 things we doubted and 5 things we were certain about. I doubt life itself but i’m certain that i’m black. We made sure to make connections with our certainty & doubts. I believe that there is a relationship between the two. We created a claim & evidence to support our position.

Monday April 17

  Today's class was simple. We went over argumentative essays. Until then, it was time to go home

march 31

   Today in class was very Simple. We did another rhetorical device after another. It really wasn’t that hard . The most irritating part was doing all the questions towards the exercise . It was a bit too much but I still got it done and SPRING BREAKKKK